using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace PortProxyGUI.Data { public class ApplicationDbMigrationUtil { public ApplicationDbScope DbScope { get; private set; } public ApplicationDbMigrationUtil(ApplicationDbScope context) { DbScope = context; EnsureHistoryTable(); EnsureUpdateVersion(); } public void EnsureHistoryTable() { if (!DbScope.SqlQuery($"SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = '__history';").Any()) { DbScope.UnsafeSql(@"CREATE TABLE __history ( MigrationId text PRIMARY KEY, ProductVersion text);"); DbScope.UnsafeSql($"INSERT INTO __history (MigrationId, ProductVersion) VALUES ('000000000000', '0.0');"); } } public void EnsureUpdateVersion() { var migration = GetLastMigration(); var assemblyVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; if (new Version(migration.ProductVersion) > assemblyVersion) { if (MessageBox.Show(@"The current software version cannot use the configuration. You need to use a newer version of PortProxyGUI. Would you like to download it now?", "Upgrade", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start("explorer.exe", ""); } Environment.Exit(0); } } public Migration GetLastMigration() { return DbScope.SqlQuery<Migration>($"SELECT * FROM __history ORDER BY MigrationId DESC LIMIT 1;").First(); } public void MigrateToLast() { var migration = GetLastMigration(); var migrationId = migration.MigrationId; var pendingMigrations = migrationId != "000000000000" ? History.SkipWhile(pair => pair.Key.MigrationId != migrationId).Skip(1) : History; foreach (var pendingMigration in pendingMigrations) { foreach (var sql in pendingMigration.Value) { DbScope.UnsafeSql(sql); } DbScope.Sql($"INSERT INTO __history (MigrationId, ProductVersion) VALUES ({pendingMigration.Key.MigrationId}, {pendingMigration.Key.ProductVersion});"); } } public Dictionary<MigrationKey, string[]> History = new Dictionary<MigrationKey, string[]> { [new MigrationKey { MigrationId = "202103021542", ProductVersion = "1.1.0" }] = new[] { @"CREATE TABLE rules ( Id text PRIMARY KEY, Type text, ListenOn text, ListenPort integer, ConnectTo text, ConnectPort integer );", "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_Rules_Type_ListenOn_ListenPort ON Rules(Type, ListenOn, ListenPort);", }, [new MigrationKey { MigrationId = "202201172103", ProductVersion = "1.2.0" }] = new[] { "ALTER TABLE rules ADD Note text;", "ALTER TABLE rules ADD `Group` text;", }, [new MigrationKey { MigrationId = "202202221635", ProductVersion = "1.3.0" }] = new[] { "ALTER TABLE rules RENAME TO rulesOld;", "DROP INDEX IX_Rules_Type_ListenOn_ListenPort;", @"CREATE TABLE rules ( Id text PRIMARY KEY, Type text, ListenOn text, ListenPort integer, ConnectTo text, ConnectPort integer, Comment text, `Group` text );", "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_Rules_Type_ListenOn_ListenPort ON Rules ( Type, ListenOn, ListenPort );", "INSERT INTO rules SELECT Id, Type, ListenOn, ListenPort, ConnectTo, ConnectPort, Note, `Group` FROM rulesOld;", "DROP TABLE rulesOld;", }, }; } }