Debug AnyCPU {56FB1CBC-BD89-47D7-A9D5-86F02EEF480F} WinExe PortProxyGUI PortProxyGUI v3.5 512 true false publish\ true Disk false Foreground 7 Days false false true 0 1.0.0.%2a false true true AnyCPU true full false bin\Debug\ DEBUG;TRACE prompt 4 AnyCPU none true bin\Release\ TRACE;NET35 prompt 4 app.manifest icon.ico BEF27898E4C102E806F3241497048E740EC39033 PortProxyGUI - NET_TemporaryKey.pfx false true LocalIntranet ..\packages\NStandard.\lib\net35\NStandard.dll ..\packages\SQLib.0.8.6\lib\net35\SQLib.dll ..\packages\SQLib.Sqlite.0.8.6\lib\net35\SQLib.Sqlite.dll ..\packages\Stub.System.Data.SQLite.Core.NetFramework.\lib\net20\System.Data.SQLite.dll Form About.cs Form SetProxyForm.cs Form PortProxyGUI.cs About.cs About.cs SetProxyForm.cs SetProxyForm.cs PortProxyGUI.cs Designer PortProxyGUI.cs ResXFileCodeGenerator Resources.Designer.cs Designer True Resources.resx True SettingsSingleFileGenerator Settings.Designer.cs True Settings.settings True False .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 true This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is {0}.